

After the creation of State of Haryana in 1966, the State began its exciting and inspiring story of development. In the agricultural sector, with success of green revolution, Haryana became the second State having large agriculture surplus. State of Haryana is regarded as the wheat basket and rice bowl of India, contributing 45% of rice and 65% of wheat to the central pool and more than 5% to total food production of the country.

It was, therefore, imperative that a strong and efficient marketing infrastructure is created by setting up modern markets and evolving a feasible and efficient marketing system in the State. The pre-requisite for this was the constitution of an Agricultural Marketing Board.

Therefore, Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Board was constituted on Ist August, 1969 with its headquarter at Chandigarh, the capital of Haryana. At the time of its inception, there were only 58 Market Committees in the State with 58 Principal yards and 60 Sub Yards. Even these markets were small and congested and lacked the basic amenities and facilities for proper handling of the arrivals. The farmers had to travel long distances even upto 50 to 60 kilometers to bring their produce and often on katcha roads, to the Markets.


The Agricultural produce in Haryana is being regulated under the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act,1961. The preamble of the Act is “an act to provide for improved regulation in marketing of agricultural produce, development of efficient marketing system, promotion of agri-processing and agricultural export and the establishment and proper administration of markets for agricultural produce in the state of Haryana and to put in place a effective infrastructure for marketing of agricultural produce and lay down procedures and system thereto”.

Our Vision

" Our vision is to provide opportunities for increasing net incomes in the agriculture sector and creating a prosperous, progressive and proud farmer by setting up efficient and knowledge based marketing systems and services". 

Our Mission

Set up efficient marketing services

  • Integrate and professionalise delivery of agricultural services and get better value for the farmer's produce
  • Facilitate diversification of crops and promote judicious and profitable use of land resources
  • Introduce knowledge and technology based interventions
  • The enforcement of Act, Rules and Bye-laws
  • Improve skill sets and awareness of the farmers
  • Develop quality control and standards in agriculture sector