Subsidy for purchase of high/improved/Hybrid seeds and purchase of implements
In order to introduce better seed and produce hybrid seeds, it is proposed to help farmers by way of giving subsidy on certified seeds through Haryana Seed Development Corporation. A Provision of funds to the tune of Rs. 112.50 lakhs for the purchase of Specific Gravity Separators and other machinery/equipments has been made. The scheme would aim at encouraging organic agricultural produce in consultation with Agriculture department and H.S.D.C. Therefore, HSAMB has provided a budget of Rs. 1.00 crore for providing assistance to the Haryana Seeds Development Corporation.
Subsidy on Purchase of Gypsum ,Reclamation of Alkaline land
Gypsum is the important component of improving productivity of soil. Govt. of India has declined to give subsidy, hence the use of Gypsum has reduced. Alkaline land can be made fertile only if the Gypsum is used by the farmers. This expenditure is now to be borne by the Haryana Gov. Therefore HSAMB has provided a budget of Rs. 1.00 crore for grant to HLRDC as subsidy for purchase of Gypsum.
Providing working capital to Haryana Seeds Development Corporation.
Availability of quality seeds at affordable price is of utmost importance for improving agriculture production. A proposal has been received from H.S.D.C for financial support in shape of loan. It is HSAMB who can help HSDC in its endeavor to provide farmers better quality seeds. HSAMB proposes to provide working capital of Rs 5.00 Crore to HSDC on an interest @ 6% p.a. for the purpose as requested by the Managing Director, HSDC.The amount will be released by 15th April and will be returned by HSDC to HSAMB after sale of seeds and not later than 15th Dec of the same year.